About us
Working group
The main goal of this Working Group is to organise a Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Conference roughly every two years.
● Organises the call for hosting the CAP Conference.
● Selects the winning bid.
● Selected members, along with others, act as the Scientific Organizing Committee of the conference, establishing the theme and sub-themes of the conference, evaluating the abstracts, supervising the selection of invited speakers and defining the programme.
The Chair/Co-Chairs are also involved in the overall organisation of the conference.
Any interested IAU member who wants to join the WG should contact the Chairs. The WG also sends calls for new members when necessary.
Suitable interested candidates, who are not IAU members, may request to / be invited to join as a volunteer. Depending on their contributions, they will be recommended for ‘Associate’ status by Commission C2 President.
WG duration:
As an IAU Functional Working Group, the CAP conference WG has “a maximum automatic lifespan of 6 years” till the next renewal. The members’ contributions are evaluated and the Chairs reaffirm their commitment every triennium. The current members for the triennium of 2024-2027 are listed.
Dhurde, Samir
Blumenthal, Kelly
Yamani, Avivah
Working Group Members
Arcand, Kimberly
Baan, Marieke
Chatzichristou, Eleni
Cheung, Sze-leung
Costa, Ilídio Andre (Junior Member)
Gay, Pamela
Lubowich, Donald
Mignone, Claudia
Ramanujam, Niruj
Ribas, Salvador J.
Tucker, Brad E.
Working Group Associates
Dhurde, Samir
Mohammedy, Farseem
Retrê, João
Venugopal, Ramasamy
Yamani, Avivah
Working Group Volunteer Members
Al-Edhari, Ali
Alqassab, Myriam
Grootaerd, Jean Pierre
Karvonen, Milla
Kubheka, Duduzile