Wish to host Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Conference 2026 ?
To access submission form links etc. related to CAP2026, click the button below.
Bids to host a CAP Conference are considered roughly two (2) years before the event. Any organisations, with adequate local capacities to host a large-scale, successful international conference, are welcome to apply (see below).
The response to a call to host CAP Conferences has two steps:
- Letter of Intent (LoI)
- Proposal.
Letters of Intent (LoI) and full Proposals to host a CAP Conference are considered by the CAP Conferences Organisers composed of the IAU C2 CAP Conferences WG and the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (IAU OAO)
Submitting a Letter of Intent (LoI) to Host a CAP Conference
In your LoI*, you should :
- Demonstrate that the bid has support from science organisations in the host country and/or region.
- Demonstrate the capacity and experience of the local organisers to run a large international event, including arranging venues, helping develop the program, organising attractive social events and providing a sustainable hybrid mode conference (with participation both in-person and online).
- Describe the proposed conference facilities to show they are attractive and efficient for a conference of over 100 registrants (previous conferences have been attended by 100 to 450 participants).
- Present a draft budget outlining the main costs and the anticipated income for the conference, including estimated registration fees (with a maximum fee of 300 Euros as per IAU regulations).
- Explain how delegates from underrepresented nations will be supported to participate in the conference (for example, by offering reduced registration fees for people from disadvantaged or underrepresented communities).
- Include interesting and attractive social events during the conference, and “scientific tourism” opportunities before or/and after the conference.
Organisations submitting Letters of Intent (LoI) should be prepared to send the Full Proposal three (3) months after the announcement of the selection of the LoI.
*Under form field: The rationale for Hosting CAP Conference 2024 (no more than 1000 words in English)
Submitting a Full Proposal to Host a CAP Conference
You should only submit a Full Proposal if your LoI is accepted by the CAP Conference Organisers.
All bidding groups should be prepared to virtually meet the CAP Conference Organisers to describe their bid and answer questions one month before the public announcement of the selected Proposal.
Organisations bidding to host the conference should address the following matters in their Proposal.
The CAP Conferences Organisers will be looking for information in your Proposal that:
- Demonstrate that the bid enjoys wide support from science or science-related organisations in the proposed host country and region. Proposals should be accompanied by Letters of Support from national and regional organisations (e.g. government bodies, universities, associations of science writers, science academies, industry and community groups).
- Demonstrate capacity and experience to run an international event, including arranging venues, helping develop the program, and organising attractive social events.
- Describe the conference facilities and show they are attractive and suitable for a conference of over 200 registrants.
- Demonstrate capacity to organise a hybrid event.
- Demonstrate the ability for being independent financially and to bear the sole responsibility for all financial aspects of the conference (including any sponsorships and IAU-driven grants supplied for the conference).
- Present a draft budget outlining the main costs and the anticipated income for the conference, including registration fees.
- Explain how delegates from underrepresented countries or communities will be supported to participate in the conference (for example, by offering reduced registration fees for underserved or disadvantaged communities).
- Include interesting social programmes during the conference, and/or “scientific tourism” opportunities before or/and after the conference.
- Outline the responsibilities of the bidding group.
You can find a sample (full) Proposal of a previously winning bid here.
Relevant Information
Please read the following carefully before planning the bid. The bidding organisations should have all of these items under consideration when drafting the full Proposal.
Conference coordinates
- The conference dates and place.
- The number of in-person and online participants the conference aims to attract.
- The conference fee aim and what it will include (e.g. a welcome reception, coffee/tea breaks, lunch breaks, conference banquet, transportation to the venue, etc.).
- Any change in the conference coordinates has to be discussed with the CAP Conferences Organisers prior to implementation.
Governing principles of the conference and the IAU Code of Conduct
- All parties shall strictly obey the IAU Code of Conduct in organising CAP conference: https://www.iau.org/static/archives/announcements/pdf/ann16007a.pdf
- If principles of the IAU Code of Conduct are not followed in full or in part, the CAP Conferences Organisers will work closely together with the LOC and will take the necessary measures to resolve the situation according to the agreed IAU Code of Conduct.
- The LOC should agree to take actions to make sure the CAP conference is accessible and inclusive:
- The venue should be accessible to people with disabilities.
- A registration form/website accessible by screen readers for blind or visually impaired people, or support as needed, done in cooperation with the CAP Conferences Organisers and, if possible, with the IAU Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion EC WG.
- Childcare should be provided free of charge to those participants who need it (provided timely requests are received).
- Quiet rooms should be made available on request.
- The LOC agrees to take the following actions to make sure the CAP conference respects the environment to the extent possible:
- Unless specifically requested by individual participants, the meeting will be “digital-only”: conference programmes and abstract booklets will only be made available in a digital format; in addition, any communication among the LOC and the SOC, as well as with the participants and speakers, will be electronic only.
- Exception: if the conference posters are in printed form, the LOC will encourage participants to take them back for reuse or recycling.
- Conference participants will be thoroughly informed about recycling on-site (if it exists).
- The hotel recommendation on the conference website will contain information about green hotels available in the area.
- Sustainable means of transport to the conference will be detailed on the conference website, including the use of public transport, and walkable and bicycle-friendly roads.
- The use of plastic will be avoided. Especially no plastic straws or plastic name badges will be used; plastic name badges remaining from previous meetings may be recycled. Ideally, any catering cutlery is either made of paper, other environmentally friendly material or recycled plastic.
- Use of printed material and plastic merchandise from sponsors will be avoided, with the possible exception of maps. Instead, electronic means of promotion can be offered.
- Unless specifically requested by individual participants, the meeting will be “digital-only”: conference programmes and abstract booklets will only be made available in a digital format; in addition, any communication among the LOC and the SOC, as well as with the participants and speakers, will be electronic only.
- The LOC and the CAP Conferences Organisers agree to take the following actions to make sure the CAP conference is diverse and balanced:
- The SOC will aim to have a balanced and diverse representation among its members in terms of gender, age, professional background, and culture.
- The LOC will aim to have a balanced and diverse representation among its members, in terms of gender, age, and professional background, including a member advocating indigenous angles.
- All sessions (including chairs, presenters, invited speakers, sponsor representatives etc.) will have a balanced and diverse representation in terms of gender, age, professional background, professional seniority and culture.
- The LOC and the CAP Conferences Organisers agree to take the following actions to make sure the CAP conference has an impact on the region:
- The LOC will suggest a plan to include underserved and underrepresented communities on-site. Perhaps outreach activities can be planned for these groups.
- The LOC will be responsible for organising these activities.
- The CAP Conferences Organisers will support this by issuing a call for CAP participants to involve them in providing talks, activities etc.
- The LOC and the CAP Conferences Organisers will include in the package for invited speakers the responsibility of delivering an activity also for the general public, including underserved and/or underrepresented communities.
- The CAP Conferences Organisers will designate a contact person for harassment cases during the conference.
Responsibilities of the CAP Conference Organisers
- Providing oversight of the conference organisation, making sure the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the proposing parties is being respected, as well as other terms agreed.
- Assigning a CAP Conference SOC from the members of the IAU C2 CAP Conferences WG and OAO representatives that will:
- Issue the call for conference submissions, evaluate submissions and decide on the final programme of the conference (topics, number of sessions, type of sessions, etc.)
- Decide on the invited speakers and other programme elements (sponsor moments etc.). The LOC can make suggestions for speakers, but ultimately, these will be selected by the CAP SOC based on the topics of the conference, evaluation of speakers, diversity and inclusion criteria etc.
- In coordination with the LOC, contact invited speakers and invite them to the conference.
- Include the LOC chair as an ex-officio SOC member and 2-3 SOC members from the region.
- Providing access to the CAP website and social media to the LOC team for the promotion of the conference.
- Issuing IAU and/or the IAU OAO / C2 announcements: host selection, conference dates and topics, open call for submission and grants, the final programme of the conference, results of grants.
- Providing session chairs;
- Making announcements during the conference with regards to the scientific programme of the conference and the conference evaluation.
- Conducting the conference evaluation survey after the event.
- Conference proceedings will not be offered unless agreed otherwise beforehand. At most, the SOC can upload presentations to the website, as they were received on the days of the conference.
- The SOC will work closely with the CAPjournal to invite presenters to submit articles. A special edition of the CAP Journal dedicated to the conference can be considered with the agreement of CAP Journal publishers.
Responsibilities of the CAP Conferences Local Organising Committee (LOC)
- Assigning local members to form the CAP conference LOC.
- Coordinating and implementing all logistical aspects connected with the organisation of the conference.
- Liaising with all third parties is required in order to organise the conference.
- Managing the finances and budget of the conference.
- Ensuring access to the conference venue and managing the venue throughout the conference.
- A main plenary hall in a theatre set-up, able to accommodate all conference participants at once, is required, with a hearing loop available if possible depending on the number of participants and needed theatre.
- At least 4-5 rooms with a video projector and sound system are required for parallel sessions (either theatre or classroom set-up).
- At least 4-5 rooms adequate for workshops are required (classroom set-up or round tables).
- A few rooms are available during lunch breaks for meetings and a system to be booked.
- Providing stationery support to presenters and workshop facilitators, where needed. (where possible, whiteboards should be used instead of paper flipcharts.)
- Providing and managing the conference registration system that deals with payments of the conference fees. Providing the content for the conference website (information about the conference location, hotels, transport, registration, social programme, etc.) and taking care of website updates.
- Coordinating with invited speakers (after they accept the invitation) on their participation, travel, accommodation, other conference support, etc.
- Coordinating and implementing the promotion of the conference in order to attract the targeted number of participants.
- Offering visa invitations to a subset of participants with identified needs.
- Coordinating and implementing the social programme of the conference.
- Ensuring that participants are covered and abide by Work Health and Safety regulations during the conference.
- Coordinate and implement networking activities as part of the social programme or coffee breaks.
- Make announcements during the conference with regards to logistical aspects, promotion (social media, etc), and the social programme.
- Producing the CAP Conferences’s main visuals:
- Logo and Poster for the conference.
- The LOC is responsible for assuring that any visual elements are copyright free and can be used freely under Creative Commons.
- The Conference Logo should be consistent with the previous editions of the CAP Conferences.
- All visuals produced need to be approved by the SOC. The Logo and Poster for the conference will need additional approval from the CAP Conference Organisers to ensure branding cohesion across different editions of the CAP Conferences.
- The LOC is solely responsible for managing the budget of the conference (incoming revenue, expenses, sponsorships, reimbursements, etc.). At the close of the conference, the LOC will be responsible for ensuring that all reimbursements and invoices are settled. The LOC will provide the CAP Conferences Organisers with a final account report before closing the operating account(s).
- The conference fees and total cost for participants communicated during the evaluation of the bid shall not be changed significantly without prior consultation with the CAP Conferences Organisers.
- The LOC agrees to offer fee waivers to an agreed number of participants based on need and/or merit if finances allow. The SOC will take care of selecting fee waiver beneficiaries.
- The LOC agrees to cover the costs for an agreed number of invited speakers of up to 2500 Euro each.
- For all decisions with an impact on the budget, the CAP Conferences Organisers or SOC will inform and consult with the LOC in advance.
- The LOC is responsible for all fundraising efforts. Sponsorship packages or funding cases are developed by the LOC in consultation with the CAP Conferences Organisers prior to being made public.
- Sponsors cannot influence the scientific content of the conference in any way (reducing the scientific programme, enlarging the programme with sponsor content, etc.).
- The SOC Chairs will be the assigned contact people with the LOC in matters that fall under their responsibility (as described in their responsibilities).
- The LOC Chairs will be the assigned contact people with the SOC in matters that fall under their responsibility (as described in their responsibilities).
- Communication between SOC and LOC members will happen via the assigned contact people to avoid parallel discussions or any misunderstandings.
- Chairs have the right to delegate communication to members if need be.
- At least one member of the LOC will be part of the SOC in order to ensure smooth communication and transparency of all decisions of the CAP Conferences Organisers and SOC.
The following cooperation milestones are agreed upon by the parties:
- Announcement of the selected host.
- Kickoff meeting.
- CAP Conferences meetings (including SOC and LOC, with frequency agreed beforehand).
- Launching of the website with basic information for participants.
- Announcement of the conference theme, topics and visuals.
- Launching of the website with detailed information for participants.
- Opening of early registration.
- Opening of conference submissions.
- Opening of grant applications.
- Invited speakers announced.
- Closing of grants.
- Announcement of grants.
- Closing of conference submissions.
- Closing of early registration.
- Preliminary programme.
- Final programme.
Changes, Delays, Cancellation and other Generic Aspects
- Any changes to the conference shall be discussed between the CAP Conferences Organisers and the LOC or the SOC and LOC, depending on the case, prior to implementation, and an agreement shall be reached.
- The LOC cannot make changes to venue access or other logistical aspects that hinder the final scientific programme of the conference. If there is an absolute need for changes, these changes will be discussed and actioned by the parties.
- The CAP Conferences Organisers and/or SOC have a veto right in terms of the scientific content of the conference.
- Should it be necessary through any unforeseeable circumstance that the conference cannot proceed on the agreed dates, the SOC and LOC will discuss whether or not it may be feasible to delay. Considerations must include the safety of the participants, financial and/or reputational impact upon organisers, the LOC, and participants of delaying the event. Any decision to delay the event must be taken at the latest 3 months prior to the advertised start date of the conference.
- Any decision to cancel the event under any circumstances will be made only after discussion and agreement are reached between the SOC and LOC. All efforts will be taken by all parties to identify alternative means by which the conference may proceed in place of cancellation, including delay. Should the conference fail to receive more than an agreed number of paid registrations by 3.5 months prior to the advertised commencement of the conference, the LOC may elect to cancel the conference but can do so only at the latest 3 months prior to the advertised start date of the conference. In the event of cancellation on this basis, all-conference registration fees as paid will be fully refunded. The LOC will accept financial risk for any non-refundable activities/venues booked by the LOC exclusively for the event (e.g. conference dinner venue holding deposit). Neither the SOC nor LOC will accept responsibility for any financial impact upon conference registrants, attendees, speakers, organising committee members or others caused by a cancellation.
- The official language of the CAP Conferences is English. Translations may be provided during the conference as included in the LOC Proposal.
- Separate/duplicate websites for the conference cannot exist, with the exception of a payment platform that can be separated, but linked to the CAP conference website led by the CAP Conferences Organisers.
- An MoU will be signed between a representative of the LOC and the CAP Conferences Organisers: the IAU C2 CAP Conferences WG and the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (IAU OAO).