Welcome to CAP2022
Sydney and Online
September 12-16, 2022
Registration | Fees Payment | Abstract Submission | IAU Travel Grant Application
Everyone interested is welcome to attend and participate in the CAP 2022 conference – in-person or online. Please register below to get more information to attend. The abstract submissions and grant applications are however closed now.

This process is in TWO steps. Please ensure that you complete both to be included as a registered participant.
STEP 1. Pre-registration
Please fill the information form via the link below
If you cannot access the Google form, please fill in this downloadable form and email it to cap2022@oao.iau.org
STEP 2. Registration fee payment
The fees for registration (in Australian Dollars – AUD) will be as follows:
For in-person attendance:AUD 400 – Early-bird fee (if paid before midnight on 8 July AEST – Friday night Sydney time)
AUD 450 – Regular fee (from 09 July till 15 August, after which we cannot guarantee inclusion at the conference dinner)
a) The fees include lunches, coffee/tea breaks and conference dinner.
b) Additional guests for conference dinner may be invited at a charge of AUD 160 per guest.
For online remote attendance:
AUD 200 – Regular fee (till 1 September)
* To complete registration payment, you will need your unique registration reference number for CAP 2022, which you should have received by email after filling up the pre-registration form (if you cannot find it, do check your spam folder).
* All fees are expressed in Australian dollars and dates refer to Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Cancellation policy:
* 50% refund minus AUD 50 administration cost until 31, July 2022
* No refunds available from 1, August 2022
Abstract Submission
Latest Update: Abstract Submissions are now closed.
We received more than 250 submissions and the list of accepted abstracts will be released soon.
Please let us know details about the work that you want to showcase at the conference via oral presentations or posters. You may also propose a relevant workshop or panel discussion based on the Conference Topics.
In order to submit abstracts or apply for grants , you will need your unique registration reference number that you should have received by email after filling up the pre-registration form (if you cannot find it, do check your spam folder).
If you cannot access the abstract submission google form, please fill in this downloadable form and email it to cap2022@oao.iau.org
Note: Abstract Submission deadline is (now extended to) was May 31, 2022 23:59 UTC.
The SOC is also offering English language editing support to applicants who may need it. This support is limited to editing/language but not the content or idea of the abstract. We hope this support can help to reduce barriers, especially for applicants whose native language may not be English. To request support, please send your abstract to cap2022@oao.iau.org with the subject “Language editing support”.
Deadline: May 31, 2022
Abstracts will be scored on the following:
– relevance to CAP conference (purely education-oriented contributions are more suitable for the Shaw-IAU workshop on astronomy for education)
– Problem addressed
– Activities conducted
– Innovation
– Results or impact
– Three things that participants will learn from the submission
Our Abstract Writing Workshop took place on 28 and 29 April. Find more info.
Latest Update: Grant applications are now closed.
We received more than 90 applications and the list of awardees will be released soon.
There is a limited number of travel grants provided by the IAU to support those for whom only limited means of support are available, e.g., colleagues from economically less privileged countries and young scientists/professional communicators.
All grant applicants should submit their oral/poster/workshop/panel contribution before this travel grant application. (A grant application without prior abstract submission will NOT be considered)
If you cannot access the google form, please fill in this downloadable form and email it to cap2022@oao.iau.org
Note: Application deadline is (now extended to) was May 31, 2022 23:59 UTC.